Sponsorship & Donations
Our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors, whose generous support enables us to provide a regular Repair Cafe for the Sonning Common community. Peppard Building Supplies' sponsorship contributes to the rental costs at Springwater Church, Farrans has generously covered the initial setup costs for the Repair Café and Community Action Groups Oxfordshire has funded our insurance costs for the first year.
Would you consider sponsoring our verge planting scheme to create 'nectar cafes' for struggling pollinators or a hedgehog highway fence cutting service?
With all pollinators facing a decline that has serious implications for everyone, we are seeking sponsors to help fund the purchase of spring bulbs and plants. Our goal is to establish 'nectar cafes' on village verges for the benefit of insects awakening from the long winter.
Please get in touch if you're interested in supporting our projects through a donation to Eco SoCo.