Sonning Common Trees & Community Orchards

We are thrilled to collaborate with the Oxfordshire County Council tree team, having pinpointed 24 verge locations for new trees in Sonning Common, along with five new community orchards. These trees will be native species selected for their suitable canopy size for the designated verges/orchard sites. All the identified verges are owned and managed by Oxfordshire County Council, and the new orchards will be planted on land owned by South Oxfordshire Housing Association and Abbey Crest.

Community orchards offer a fantastic source of complimentary fruit for our community and significantly enhance biodiversity in our natural surroundings. We hope to include Oxfordshire heritage varieties in the tree selection.

We aim to have the new trees and orchards planted during Winter 2025.

How can you contribute?

Would you water a newly planted tree on your street or a nearby orchard during the warm summer months?

Could you assist in constructing a rainwater reservoir using an innovative design that repurposes a regular dustbin?

For more information, please reach out to us at: